Sunday, September 23, 2007

Tips for Tits?

I've come to realize I just might be the most honest person that works at Coyote Ugly.

Last night someone gave me their ATM card and asked me to help withdraw money, he then had me type in his pin number and take out 300 bucks from his checking account. Did I mention he was from New Zealand and I could hardly understand him as he swayed back and forth drunk out of his mind? Well I did now and he was!
He then precedes to give me 200 bucks and said he would give me more if I found him some coke. I, being the girl who still believes everyone is good until proven otherwise, said, "Um, like Coke-A- Cola... that's only two dollars not two hundred...?"

To step away from this story for a second, I realize I could of taken his money and avoided him and asked the bouncers to remove him, {he was so out of it, he wouldn't know what was going on.} or got the cops that were standing outside. I also know that I am constantly, constantly being told I need to upgrade drinks and push merchandise. I could have taken this money and bought bartenders shots, my friends were there and I could of bought them a round, buy myself a few shirts, anything with that two hundred bucks.
Yet, as I looked at him, in his blood shot eye's, I felt unbelievably sad. I had served him and his wife and son (or friend) drinks and he was the only one drunk. So I handed him the money back and said no, absolutely no.
Then he handed me a twenty dollar bill and said I had "nice tits." He said it in a degrading way, maybe to elevate himself after he groveled for some cocaine from a girl he didn't know who was serving him drinks at a bar. I handed him back that money too.
At the end of the night, I got lectured that my sales weren't too bad and not too great and I only made 150 bucks in tips and my friends that I tolled the story to were giving me hell for not taking the money but..... I felt okay with myself.
Yea I work for tips but I work hard for them, I know I and I am told how hot/gorgeous/sexy I am, yet when a man degrades me when I won't run along and find him some drugs, even when I'm working for tips, I can't do it. How many girls would have taken that money? Apparently, I am one of the few that didn't. What does that make me and everybody else?

1 comment:

Alexx Calise said...

I would have taken the $200. Then, I would have punched him in the face for making such a degrading comment. I'm gay and I miss you too poopie pants!