I thought it was man-faced Liz or Chris over looking this girls shoulder telling them what to write. Well whomever was behind it, it offended me both as a bitch and someone who doesn't view sex as a slutty thing.
What's wrong with being a bitch? Or sexual curious? I don't get it, when did being a strong women mean you were wrong? I know I'm overly assertive, aggressive, physical, cocky, loud mouthed and opinionated, so why wouldn't this AWESOME FSU girl call me a man? Wouldn't that be more accurate in her closed-extremely sexist mind? I would, by today's sexist standards i suppose.
Well the slutty part I don't get, I'm the most moderately dressed person i know when i "go out." Sorry i can't help it if guys hit on me, even ones that may have a girlfriend. Girls whom are intimidated by other girls usually are called sluts which is what I assume this is.
Hmmm well, as Kanye West would say, "take this haters" I could care less.
good to see you are still writing on your blog. ;) Keep on Keeping on...
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Livros e Revistas, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://livros-e-revistas.blogspot.com. A hug.
hey there. i'm searching 'women's issues' blogs and found yours. from someone a bit (just a bit) older than you...neither word is ever a good thing..and often the accuser is wrestling with her own sense of womanhood. confidence and strength don't have to be seductive. determined and strongminded are just that. honor your strengths. those who oppose them and do so verbally and dealing with their own issues. a true friend will always tell you what she / he thinks you should work on. the best 'friend' is that inner voice. you already know if there's something you should change. love who you are and ignore the opposition. (provided nothing you do is harming someone else). take care...and happy blogging.....check out blogher.com and maybe post your blog there if you wanna....i'm at http://thoughtbythought.wordpress.com. peace to you, tre :)
Oh sorry...that was me :)
LOL. Miss you mamasita!
There IS life beyond bars...
I think you meant that girls who are intimidating to other girls are called sluts. The way you wrote it, you are the one who is intimidated, having been called a "slut". Anyway, there are incredibly hot women all over the place here in L.A. Average-looking women don't stand out much in the looks department. (Of course, there's more to a person than looks.)
Judging by the (your?) picture, I don't think anyone would be "intimidated", but I'm a guy. Whatever. Avoid negative people/energy/thoughts/feelings.
Wow i need to update this thing
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