I thought it was man-faced Liz or Chris over looking this girls shoulder telling them what to write. Well whomever was behind it, it offended me both as a bitch and someone who doesn't view sex as a slutty thing.
What's wrong with being a bitch? Or sexual curious? I don't get it, when did being a strong women mean you were wrong? I know I'm overly assertive, aggressive, physical, cocky, loud mouthed and opinionated, so why wouldn't this AWESOME FSU girl call me a man? Wouldn't that be more accurate in her closed-extremely sexist mind? I would, by today's sexist standards i suppose.
Well the slutty part I don't get, I'm the most moderately dressed person i know when i "go out." Sorry i can't help it if guys hit on me, even ones that may have a girlfriend. Girls whom are intimidated by other girls usually are called sluts which is what I assume this is.
Hmmm well, as Kanye West would say, "take this haters" I could care less.